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116 N. Independence Avenue. Independence, VA 24383





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​​​​​​Karen Baker

, Candidate VA's Ninth District​​​​​​​​​​​​

Karen Baker and Helen Kyle have agreed to attend and speak at our Fall BBQ.

SAVE THE DATE: OCT 20, 2024.​​​

Get out the VOTE-Karen Baker-Independence


   The Grayson County Democrats have opened  an office in Independence!​

It is located at 116 N. Independence Avenue (Rt.21) next to the Parsons Law Building and across the street from the 1908 Courthouse.


Stop by to see us!

Volunteers will be staffing the office. The coffee pot will be on!

Contact to Volunteer

Dems Office Volunteers Coordinator: Email Fayma Nye

We will be open on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays

from 10-2 and Tuesdays 3-6pm.



Check Virginia Voter Information HERE


We have Signs!!!


  • Karen Baker signs

  • Tim Kaine signs

  • Harris/Walz signs

We also have bumper stickers, buttons,

and other campaign items.


Come and get them at the Grayson County Democrats Office!








2024 MEETINGS are as follows, October 3, November 7, December 5.


Our monthly meetings are held on the first Thursday of every month at 6:00 p.m. in the Board of Supervisors Meeting Room at the Grayson County Courthouse @ 129 Davis St. Independence, VA 24348.


Attendance is increasing at our meetings. Our activities and involvement are increasing as well, you can feel the energy in the room.

Come join us. Help us grow and work with like minded people to help improve Grayson County for all residents.

We hope to see you there.!







​​2024 Grayson County VA Democratic Party

 Annual Events:​

​​Paint party for charity

Come have fun painting with your friends and others.

​All proceeds go to a charitable organization in Grayson!

Quarterly Democratic pancake breakfasts at various locations in Grayson County.

Enjoy a good pancake breakfast and meet your fellow Democrats. Good food and fellowship. If you can't make it to our meetings, we will come to your area of the County.

Fourth of July Celebration.

The Grayson Dems will have a tent on the lawn of the 1908 Courthouse and

a float in the Parade.  Enjoy Independence Day with the Grayson County Democrats.

River Clean Up.​ 

August is Clean River Month in Grayson County.​

Your local Democrats will again participate and will be out in force to help keep the New River clean in Grayson County.

Fall BBQ .

This is our traditional fall event, again teaming up with the Galax and Carroll Dems. We line up a couple of good speakers, have a great venue, enjoy good music and BBQ and have a good time. Join us in the fun and fellowship.

Veterans Day VFW Breakfast

The Grayson Democrats provide a free breakfast at the Independence VFW for all members and their spouses.  Its a good way to thank the veterans and enjoy some good fellowship.

Scholarship Awards Ceremony

The Grayson County Democrats fund two scholarships for seniors at Grayson County High School, one for a student attending a four year university and one for a student attending a trade school or community college.

 In addition, the Grayson Dems will again make a generous sponsorship donation to the Grayson County Ag Fair in August.

(The Grayson Dems donated $500 to this worthy event in 2024.)








​​​​​Community Works ("CW") and the Grayson Dems had

a combined river cleanup event on August 31, 2024.

This video shows some of our volunteers

and events that help our community so much!







It is an exciting time to be a Democrat, including a Grayson Dem, with us having an office for the first time, a real political campaign to run, new members joining and volunteers stepping up.



Great things can happen when local folks lead.

9/6/24 A USDA-sponsored event in Blacksburg highlighted economic success stories in rural Virginia. 

by Anthony Flaccavento

Anthony Flaccavento is a farmer, rural development consultant and author near Abingdon. He is co-founder and Executive Director of RUBI, the Rural Urban Bridge Initiative.

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